I don't know how to describe it very well, and I don't have a site up yet for it, but I'm going to start offering home/interior decorations for sale. I will also be offering outside decorations and lawn swings (NOT kids swings, glider type swings), fountains, and garden decorations. If you are interested, let me know and I will scan some of the items I am offering. Or let me know what you might be looking for and I will see if I can help you! There are too many Tupperware people around here, so that has gone south, but I do have some pieces that I might be willing to sell. Let me dig around and see what I have. I know that I will have a Princess Tea Set coming up soon. It has a pitcher, four cups and four saucers/plates. The plates and pitcher lid are purple and the cups and pitcher is pink.
PM away!!!! Let me know what you are interested in. I also have gift baskets available in my catalog. Oh, and the lid on that tea set pitcher isn't purple, it's pink.