Today I was walking Stinger and we came across a stray dog on a leash. Not a good sign. The poor doggie almost got hit by 2 cars. And Stinger and the srtay had mild scuffle. ( bark off ) How scarey. This stry dog looked like it was part boxer and maybe a bull mastiff. Not sure. He is still a pup. Maybe 1 -2 yrs old top. He was a handsome dog. Friendly and very strong. My next door neighbor called the animal controll guys and they picked him up. So now he is in a safe place. I hope he finds his home or gets a new home.
Thank you for asking . YES! Stinger is okay. Thank my lucky stars . Stinger has become quite the alpha dog lately. Too which I did not think he had it in him. IO am very impressed with his manhood role these days. So I take back any question of him being light in the loafers. Or metrosexual. He has proven me wrong.