for your pet greyhounds family? If yes. this site is made up for you to post your looking ad.
I have wanted to get in touch with some of Stingers family that have been adopted. But I felt funny going about it.
Has anyone here on Greyhound Anonymous found your pets greyhound ( dog ) family ? If you have how did it go?
If I recall way back some time. I did get in touch with one of Stingers adoptee dog family . But I lost that info in my travels and I would love to get back in touch with that person.
I know you can this info on the greyhound data. but how do I know if the greyhounds on the site are still active? I would feel better if I knew how that site worked more.
Wendy, I found Isabellas sister because she came up showing as adopted on Greyhound Data. I simply contacted the group and within an hour, I was on the phone with her owners in Georgia. I do the groups updates, adds, picture posting on Greyhound Data. Not all tracks post results on the site. Not all dogs running are up on the site. If you look at your pups siblings, check their pedigree page to see if they have been listed as adopted. Not all adoption groups post on Greyhound Data either. Its very frustrating sometimes knowing that they may be out there and not knowing how to find them.