We are doing ok. One day at a time. The puppers are doing well even with the pesky and persistant fleas. They are really bad this year. Oreo is doing more counter surfing and Neba does the trash can thing. We are getting busy as the school year is getting ready to start. 14 days and counting. Morgan has her 4H stuff, school, Girl Scouts and maybe basketball this year plus in October she has to go take her smart kids test to see if she will get into the advanced science class at school. She is growing like a weed and I think that soon she will overgrow us in height.
Hi Oreosmom, counter surfing. LOL. IO know that term. Mr Stinger does that aolt. But he know's not to go for the food. But he will cry for food. Which is an awfull sound. Whimpering.