geez it is like a ghost town here lately. I guess I will need to pull a rabbitt out of my hat to get people to post. Let me see what I can do. to get peoples attention.
It didnt here until this afternoon. Then it tried to peek out. It was pouring this morning and I had to be out in it digging a trench for the collected pond of water next to the garage to drain away. I got soaked!
I think we want a full explaination of your whereabouts please. The collective WE has missed you.
To Oreosmom: Sometimes, to get those kinds of things done, one must revert to some level of childhood and remember how much fun it is to play in the mud.!! Here's hoping for more for you.
Rycesmom, well at least the digging was easy!!! It didn't take too long and just before the realtor got here to look at the house, I quick put the "divots" back in the trench so it wouldn't look so bad!