Here are just a few interesting facts about this magnificent breed...
Greyhounds are the only breed of dog mentioned in the Bible (Proverbs 30:29-31 KJV).
Greyhounds come in 19 different primary colors and in over 55 different color combinations.
Greyhounds have a larger heart, lungs and more red blood cells than other canine breeds.
The average lifespan of a greyhound is 12 or more years.
Greyhounds came to the New World in 1493 on Columbus' second expedition.
In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus' loyal dog Argus is a greyhound.
Greyhounds are mentioned or featured in 11 of Shakespeare's plays.
Greyhounds have a double suspension gallop (they run like a cheetah, not like a horse). When running, greyhounds spend 80% of their time in the air. It is as close to "flight" as a land animal can get.