I'd like to add our Cody to your prayer list. He has an infection in his small intestine and has to take B12 shots and tetracycline for six weeks. He's 11 years old and a dignified senior citizen.
I am so sorry learn that Cody is sick. I hope and pray his med and B-12 shot him help recover fast. I know my Stinger meds are working out just fine dfor Stinger. he is feeling much better today. Thank my lucky stars.
Thank you everyone for your prayers. I am very slow in responding to this, but Neba made a full recovery with two different meds. The first med she was on cleared up the first plugged gland, then right below it another spot festered up and we had it cultured and she was put on another med (the first one was all done) that cleared it right up and she's been fine since.