Ise needs to ask a fabor, can wese borrow Josie to dose sum ankle bitin' cuz Momma gots eggz and tomadoes frowed at her yesterday by sum wude hypokrites from annuder board who are know it alls. Deys bees middle agez women wif nufin bedder to do wif dem selbes den complain. So she gots compwain mail in her PM mailbox on one of dem udder boards. Geez, youse wuld fink dat sumbuddy wuld hab sumfing bedder to do or more constructibe!! But I guess dat neiber of des wadies had nufin spechul and are wonely for attenshun. Only problem is dat Momma ignored der mail. She only looks at dat board for dat birfday stuff, and to see if a houndie or friend is sick. People just isn't nice no more. We just dontse unnerstand why, cuz it just taks not eben a second to bees nice. Well, I guess dat Ise better get off my soap box and helps my Momma cuz she knots bees gettin around too well, but she kars more abouts her friends den herselb. Me and my brudder Murphy just rweally dontse gets des peoplez, and Pookie is already wantin to gib dis women da what for, but us boyz finks dat may be dangerouz. Take good kar of your Momma and Daddy's. Your buddy, L'il Bullet
da Georgia Houndiez, L'il Bullet, Murphy, Pookie, and Kris Our Bridge Angels: Tony's Warrior, Blackjack, Comet, and Chancho
Buwwit, How woode!!! Dats not nice at all!! Yoo bet we'd send Josie down dere in a minnut!! We'd come down dere too!!! Tell yur mom dat she don't need fwendz wike dat if dey are gonna be meen. We bee yur fwendz an we don' frow nuttin!! If she needs a showder to ween on, then all ub yoo can come up heer. Ub corze affer yur mom iz feewin bedder. If I waz her, I wunnt go to dat udder bored. Soundz wike dey jus aren't nice. Can I ask yoo wat udder bored it waz so if mom isn't alweddy on dat bored, she stayz away frum it? She gotz a cuppple udder houndie boreds she goez on ebbery now an den, but almos nebber wites anyting.
RycezMom, I have sent you a PM regarding this information. Some of these boards do not have very nice members and it is almost like you have to have approval for exactly what you write, or you get eggs and tomadoes thrown at you. Hope that you understand. Fortunately, this doesn't happen here. L'il Bullet
da Georgia Houndiez, L'il Bullet, Murphy, Pookie, and Kris Our Bridge Angels: Tony's Warrior, Blackjack, Comet, and Chancho
Nope, I won't throw 'maters at you. I might serve some to you all sliced up, but I won't throw them at you!! As for the eggs, well, egg salad sammiches with tomato soup, please!