Stinger Mass looks like it is not getting better. So he will be having his surgery in Mid March. As for his paw it is taking longer to heel than I expected. I need a special sock to put on his foot. Stinger keeps licking his medincine off. Yuck.
Oh Stinger hon!!! Don't lick off your medicine because it will help your foot get better. I am so sorry to read about your mass. I hope that this will take care of it. You need to do what your mom and doc tell you because they want you to get better.
As you all may know. I have a mass on my bum. Act it is more near my hind upper leg. To be honest. But my mom says it on my bum. Anyways... To make things worse I did a number on paw pad. I am just one big ball of mess. My mom just told me that my surgery date is all set. It is March 23rd, 2006. At 8am. i will be back home on March 24th at 10am
So wish me luck. And a fast recovery.And a begnign mass.
Anonymous wrote: We use baby socks (well, toddler or preschool sized" on the dog's feet when they need to stop licking. You can tape them to the dog's ankle.
thats a good idea..... i will have to buy one for his foot. But I bet ya he will get it off....
When Oreo had that lump removed from the side of his foot, we used a couple of gauze pads and some VetWrap! We also put some Bag Balm on the wound to help it heal. He could lick the vetwrap and it wouldn't get all soggy or come apart or off like a sock will and it won't stick to his fur, it only sticks to itself. There are other brands of the stuff out there that work as well, too.
When Oreo had that lump removed from the side of his foot, we used a couple of gauze pads and some VetWrap! We also put some Bag Balm on the wound to help it heal. He could lick the vetwrap and it wouldn't get all soggy or come apart or off like a sock will and it won't stick to his fur, it only sticks to itself. There are other brands of the stuff out there that work as well, too.
M is that you anonymous... stop it.... say it aint so. I thought this issue was fixed. : confues:
Anonymous wrote: When Oreo had that lump removed from the side of his foot, we used a couple of gauze pads and some VetWrap! We also put some Bag Balm on the wound to help it heal. He could lick the vetwrap and it wouldn't get all soggy or come apart or off like a sock will and it won't stick to his fur, it only sticks to itself. There are other brands of the stuff out there that work as well, too. M is that you anonymous... stop it.... say it aint so. I thought this issue was fixed. : confues:
It was me when I posted that on the 27th!! I havent' had any problems since I am now able to log in and stay logged in!!
We also put some bags of ointment to help it heal the wounds. He can lick vetwrap and will not get flooded or cracked, or like all the socks will not adhere to his fur, and only insist on their own.