You have to Make sure you have plenty of toys for Him/her.They probebly can't go up or down the stairs yet.Make sure you comfort them when there scard!
And have lots of very soft places for them to lay down. A crate should be on your list of supplies as well. It will be their "safe" place. Lots of love and understanding, too!! Oh, and be prepared for what we call the potato chip syndrome- once you have one, you must have more!!
Read *Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies* before you even think about adopting a hound. It will tell you just about everything you need to know and help you decide if a greyhound is the dog for your family.
Have a martingale collar and leash, and use it *every* time the dog is not in the house or in an enclosed yard (minimum 4' fence preferred).
Have a vet chosen and make an appointment for a checkup and stool sample as soon as you can get the dog in after bringing him/her home.
Usally the dogs don 't like crates so much, Unless There always wide open! Because Dr. doug our dog, And Zippy our dog, Both are scared of thunder, And they always want to go in it. If you do get a crate, Make sure you get those metal ones. Because they can rip out of the rubbery type kind. And the dogs LOVE human food! Make sure you keep it out of reach, or your food goes bye bye!
First : You need to find the closest greyhound adoption center. You can do this online. By web search or just asking around.
Second: When you do find an adoption center. You want to look over all the avaible greyhounds. To see which one picks you you, or which one you like. I let the grey pick me. "That is how Stinger won my heart. He put in head right inbetween my legs it was so cute. I was hooked.:
Third: You want to follow the Adoption programs words of wisdom/advice. They give you notes on how to go about letting greyhound settle in his or her new home.
Fourth: I belive most if not all greyhound adoption programs. Make sure you grey has his or her shots all up to date plus they pay to fix them before they are adopted out.
Fith: Find a good vet your greyhound(s) The adoption progam will refer you to one if you do not know of any.
Six: Make sure you have the room for a greyhound(s) before you adopt.
Seventh : Pick a diet that agrees with your grey. This take time.
Eight : Bathing is good. be carefull of what you use for Shampoo. greyhound skin is senstive. Ask around. I personal use Pantee . It works out fine for us.
Nineth: Your pets name : You can keep it. Which I feel is a good omen. Or you can change it. It is up to you.
Tenth : Make sure you have treats and toys. To welcome your gew greyhound in his.her new home.
These are just some helpfull infomation. It gives you a general idea .
PS : Also be ready give up your favorite spot coach, chair or bed. It will soon become your greys favorite spot.
If your dog is scared of storms, make a safe spot for them with lots of blakets and pillows. This could be a crate but it would be best if you leave it opens so the dog can come and go as he/she pleases.
If your dog is scared of storms, make a safe spot for them with lots of blakets and pillows. This could be a crate but it would be best if you leave it opens so the dog can come and go as he/she pleases.
Oreo does well with his snug sweater or an old T' shirt split up the back and tied. It's the snugness of the clothing I think that helps him.