1:00 AM Home from taking my old boy, Ryce to doggy ER. Already previous bad back. He got pushed by Gus heading for the door at the sight of a cat on the patio and he splayed out on the tile Bambi style. Is't the first time and he has been pretty wobbly in the rear for a while. This time he didn't seem to be able to get his back end up at all. Full set of spine films didn't show anything significant. Hips looked OK. High dose Solumedrol, his blankets and an IV to stay the night. Ortho and Neurosurgeons to review films in AM. When I left he was starting to wake up and the girls that work there were sitting on the floor by his cage petting him. First time in 8 years I ever had to leave him over night. I sure am going to miss my boy tonight....
Oh sweetie.. I am so sorry to learn of Ryces missfortune. With a little help from a cat and Gus. The poor baby. I will say a prayer for you that all works out.
Please keep us posted to let us know how it all went.
Awe poor guy...and poor momma too !! How you holding in there and any updates on him? I will keep him in my prayers...give him ear scritches for me when you see him
This AM went in and he was not any better. Ortho doc wants me to consider major diagnostics including a myelogram. Because he is so old and has not handled anesthesia very well in the past, we have opted for conservative treatment first, Five days of bedrest and prednisone at the vet. He still cant walk without the sling and he is somewhat ataxic in the rear. {wobbley}. If that doesnt help his symptoms then the only other option is major tests and spine surgery. At 13 years old I dont know that I have the heart to put this gentle, sensitive and gentlemanly old man thru that. Have also discussed this with my my friend and co-worker who is a trauma neurosurgeon. He is the one who keeps me grounded and real as to what I should expect. I think I may have some "end of life" decisions to make soon. All I can do is wait and see. Thank you for your comfort and support. It means a lot to me and I am grateful for it.
We busted Ryce out of the hospital tonight He is still a little wobbley in the rear but is now able to get up and down by himself. Made new friends there and will miss them at the visiting hours along with their pets. We are so glad to have him home
I'm glad he's home with you and I hope he continues to improve. I agree with your hesitation to do intrusive tests/treatments, etc. at his age. He's a beautiful dog!
I work with Trauma Neurosurgeons all day I consulted with them and the films/symptoms. As usual I got good advice. Peripheral nerve injury and opposed to central cord injury. Spent most of the weekend in the cage with him. Steroids really made the difference. Now just weaning him off. Isabella wants desparately to chase him around the yard but thats a no no for now. I'm just greatful to have him home and in one piece. Thank you all for your kind wishes and concern.